Hey, December lovers, check on what Chemical Guys saying

Smart Wax Chemical Guys offers the largest selection of car care chemicals, body shop detailing supplies, professional accessories, buffing pad systems and machines. Our extensive manufacturing background has enabled us to become one of the leading design, development and manufacturing facilities for many OEMs and Private Labelers.  Throughout our extensive experience in the car care industry we have designed and tested many car care detailing products and accessories. We understand that no detailing brush, polishing pad, or wax applicator is the same, we know what works and what does not. You can be confident that when purchasing Chemical Guys chemicals and detailing accessories they have been put through the most rigorous tests and have exceeded in both quality and performance.  Chemical Guys takes the car care and auto detailing industry very seriously and we are proud to be the industries leading product supplier. From the everyday car enthusiast that is passionate about his/her auto to the professional detailer, car wash owner, OEM user and car-wash owner; Chemical Guys has a full lineup of products for everyone.  Chemical Guys has established Chemical Guys locations all over the world to better serve our customers. Our educational platform is constantly expanding from Chemical Guys Smart Detailing University to our Weekly DIY class, advanced business classes, Hands-on buffing courses, all the way to our car shows, parties and events. The Chemical Guys movement is everywhere.  Smart Detailing University & Chemical Guys detailing courses were created to offer students hands-on training in detailing while providing a system-based educational systems that help prepare individuals and business owners for successful carriers in the care care industry. Smart Wax


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